Friday, July 11, 2008

Ask the LORD

We have not had much rain this year. Oh sure by some standards its lush, but for this area of Texas it's dry. In fact, Lazy Day Farm is right on the edge of a severe drought area. The earth is cracking badly even after getting 0.3 inches this past week.

I was reading Monday night in Zechariah. I don't recall why Zechariah, but know most everything happens for a reason. I came across 10:1

Ask the LORD for rain in the springtime; it is the LORD who makes the storm clouds. He gives showers of rain to men, and plants of the field to everyone.

I know Zechariah was referring to the tribe of Judah but as believers in Yeshua HaMashiach, we are grafted into the root and believe it applicable for today. As I meditated on this short passage I started thinking of spiritual drought, and how we can ask the LORD for rain to quench our soul as well as for parched fields.

Are you blessed with life giving rain?

Have you ever wondered how deep those cracks are? Have you thought about the good that comes to the soil by cracking open like this?

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Purrl Missing and Found

We left town for three days to run visit Zach and Liz. Six days now have elapsed since Purrl was last seen. I walked all over Lazy Day Farm calling out to her, but the only mew came from Cowboy (Purrl's brother) that was tagging along for the hike.

Sometimes if cats are not feeling well they will disappear until they feel better. "Better" sometimes doesn't happen. Of course our hope is that frogs and crawdads are active down by the creek and Purrl is having far too much fun to come back. Maybe tomorrow.

Sure enough, Mary came home Wednesday and called for Purrl and she showed up. Hungry.
Maybe her hunt was not very fruitful.

Did you ever hear about the cat farm down in Hermosillo, Mexico?